Thursday, November 20, 2014

Luck Has Nothing To Do With It

You lost 20lbs? You're so lucky!
Some people have come to believe that when you are successful, you must be lucky.
If you lose weight, they'll said you have fast metabolism.
If you make good money, they'll said the market favors you.
If you are skillful, you must be born with talent.
The truth is, we are all lucky we weren't born in 3rd world countries where we have to struggle with poverty, getting basic education, and receive treatments when infected with diseases.
Other than that, our success is the result of making right choices. Especially in fitness! And that has something to do with how you prioritize your goals.
When you have your priorities straight, then you'll know how to use your resources (money/time/energy) wisely.
It's NOT how little you have, is how resourceful you're willing to be with how little you have.
People have rise up to be successful CEO's growing up in a first generation immigrant household because they were willing to take calculated risks and ask silly questions.
People learned to play drums with a missing limb because they're willing to invest twice the time to practice and learn the basics.
People have lost 200lbs by making small changes in their diet and workouts fighting the same fight everyday instead of giving into quick-fix gimmicks that's ever so enticing in the fitness industry.
You're not so unlucky. You are just unwilling.
If you want to be one of the "lucky ones", work harder, work smarter, and accept your current condition as unsatisfactory and make it a personal responsibility to change your current unluckiness.
Thomas Jefferson — “the harder I work, the luckier I get.”

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