Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Eliminate Distractions and Limit Your Choices

Why limiting choices and planning ahead helps with losing weight and getting strong?

1. You say you're not gonna eat junk food, yet you keep junk around the house.

2. you say you will hit the deadlift tomorrow morning before work, yet you stay up late tonight watching Netflix and end up slept through your alarm.

3. you planned to only eat out 2x/week so to help keeping track of calories easier, yet you don't grocery shop and prepare your ingredients ahead of time and always end up ordering Chinese or pizza.

4. You know when you go out with your friends, you cannot say no to having 7 shots of Buttery Nipple in a row followed by IHOP's coma inducing pancakes, yet you keep saying yes to go out with them for the 3rd time that week.


Here's how you remove distractions:
1. Learn about nutrition and buy only nutrients you need for your goal. Donate/trash the crap you have at home and leave the new junk at the store.

ask me what ingredients and if you're nice I'll show you.

2. If you can't train in the morning, find challenging bodyweight movements you can do at work. Block out 3mins here and there and do some push ups and squats every day and run sprints up the stairs or hill.  if you have the time to read this, you have time to drop down and give me 10 push up right now. yes, do it.

You don't have time is not good enough of an excuse, more like, you don't have your priorities in order.

3. Right after grocery shopping, don't just throw everything in the fridge. marinate what needs to be marinated, spice them up, aluminum foil it for easy oven cooking. wash and dice the veggies for quick stir frys, wash the fruits and place them on top of the fridge. have the recipes ready, defrost things you planned to eat that night.

make it easier to prepare meals so you don't get lazy and eat out or grab the first high calorie junk food in the cabinet. If you fail to plan ahead, you plan to fail.

Oh, and eating 1x or 2x a day also helps with this too. No, you don't need 5 small meals a day. that would be the stupid thing to do.

4. Learn to say no to your friends/spouse regarding what you should eat. Don't feel obligated to eat like them, they're not the one trying to lose weight or stop gaining weight, you are, so be responsible to your body and your actions. If they understand your goal, they'd be supportive.

find alternative ways to hang with your friends without eating, have you try hiking? kicking a ball? or take a dance lesson?  gardening? shopping?  Or you can find alternative ways to eat while enjoying their company. Google restaurant menus for their caloric content ahead of time will help you make better choices when you're eating out.

Bottom line, if you don't buy junk, you don't eat junk. If you crave something so bad that you would drive to the store to get them, you probably need it. and if that's the case, work that junk into your caloric budget


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