Monday, December 1, 2014

8 Lame Ass Excuses for Not Wanting to Eat Less For Weight Loss and Hotness

(these are real excuses I hear from people on a daily basis)

1. "I eat clean but still can't lose weight!"
Clean eating does not equates to health or weight loss. Stop using the word "Clean" to describe your diet. Unless you wash all your foods with Mr. Clean, you're not truly a clean eater. Most people have no idea how both healthy and weight loss nutrition operate anyways and their beliefs on what's clean is completely different from the person they are arguing with.
Stop justifying that you are making a REAL effort to lose weight from eating clean, you're not. Use that same effort and apply to "eating less" and you'll get better results. Eating less is quantifiable where eating clean (or dirty) is subjective. If you believe in real quantifiable, physical things (like the fat that's still on your body), you'd track your calories to lose weight instead of buying overpriced, "clean", "wild", "organic", crap that does nothing differently from the conventional ones for your body composition. There are soooooo many apps out now that make this super simple.
2. "My trainer told me I have to eat more (than maintenance) to lose weight"
That makes absolutely no sense at all. I need to buy more shoes to save more money for a car? Your trainer need to read a book. Go back to 7th grade physics and re-learn the First law of thermodynamics, please. And fire the clown.
3. "What brand of protein shake should I buy?"
If you like to be hungry all the time, any brand works. Shakes are for people trying to gain weight, have deficiencies, and have no time to cook. That's why they give them to nursing home residents and teenage boys having a hard time putting on mass for football. Mass is something you have plenty of.
There are no pills for quick success. If you want instant results, you have to do some research to find the smartest and most cost-effective programs base on results you actually witnessed around you. Like the diet/gym your friends and family did to achieve their transformations. Something that's similar and applicable to your goal. Something REAL with a little common sense behind it.
If you just want to buy a drink (or wrap, or pills, or a shot) in hopes to make your problems go away, listen to Dr. Oz or your yoga instructor for what shakes they're selling that month so you don't have to lift weights and eat less. You will also stay fat, dumb, and have less money to spend on nicer things, though.
4. "I need to eat more for energy"
Again, go back to the thermodynamic principle. Unless you're under 15% body fat for a girl or 10% for a guy, you don't need to eat for anything for a while. What you need is learn how to mobilize the excess fat that's still on your butt to give you energy. Have you tried fasting? Work on projects to keep you busy? Drink coffee? Move more? Or embrace hunger? Gasp!
5. "I can't lose weight because of my thyroid"
You can't lose weight because you don't want it bad enough and you find excuses to make your problem something you can't change through "work". Same for people who claim they have a sugar or soda addiction as if it's a medical issue that warrant medical treatments and it's not in their power to change it. Or that it's genetic. Or they're big bone. Or have slow metabolism due to their age.
'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.' - Henry Ford
Your metabolic rate is mainly determined by how much lean mass you have on your body and how much you move. If you strength train, you'd accomplished both. You can be 50 and have higher metabolism than 20 yearolds if you're training and they're not.
6. "I try eating less sodium, drinking more water, and buy everything organic and gluten free"
... For what? All that mental and physical resources you could have used it on counting calories and cooking better but you won't, cuz you're lazy.
Find out how many calories you burn a day, eat less than what you burn depending on the rate of fat loss you prefer, and do it long enough and you'll lose weight! That's the secret!
7. "I keep falling off the wagon"
Then stop getting back on! if you don't get back on, you'll never fall! Especially for type A personalities. Diet and exercise is not an on and off thing. You do know that this is something you have to do for the rest of your life right? You can't go to war with your body fat all the time, it's exhausting! Make small and useful changes slowly so it becomes habits and be patient with your progress. Doesn't sound very sexy/sensational i know but it works all the time, seriously.
Stop the mentality that you have to go hardcore when it's "ON" or that you have to restrict blah blah blah to find the perfect diet or training protocol to blast your fat away. Use some common sense when people feed you garbage information that doesn't help with your weight loss effort. Aim to gain more education instead of more restrictions from the food you eat in.
Instead of completely swear off carbs/sugar or go gun-ho on vegan diets, try smaller, less restricting lifestyle changes like adding more lean meat in your diet to keep you satiated longer, eat out less like 2x/week instead of 5x/week, read more books on nutrition that aren't recommended by Oprah, or pre-cut and wash your veggies right after grocery shopping to make cooking dinner more likely to occur to prevent you from eating easy-to-reach, caloric dense foods. These are all great way to make small, meaningful changes to your journey without inflicting too much guilt when you do fall off.
8. "I'm too poor to change my diet and workout"
Have you forgot how to walk and do push ups? You don't have a pan to stir fry meat and veggies? The fat on your chin is worth $50 of food you don't need to buy for the next few days. You should be saving money.
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