Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sample Workouts Including Combo and Complexes

Use the complex routine to warm up.  Watch this to understand what a complex is.

Use 70% of the load of your weakest lift from the Complex to perform the first set. Then use 90% of that lift for your second set.

Then for the actual workout, pick an upper body push, upper body pull, and 1 lower body push OR pull to be your main workout lift for that day.
Ex: Chin, Inclined Bench, and Front Squat.  OR  Dip, Inverted Rows, and Sumo Deadlift

Do this for 3-4 sets, 6-12reps each depends on your time, energy level, and goal.  The video below and the articles in the comments section will help you determine what's best

Then finish your workout with a combo routine.  The difference between a Complex and a Combo is that for the combo, you are selecting multiple movements to do them in a row 1 rep at a time for 2-3 rounds where for the complex, you are perform 1 movement at a time for multiple reps in a row before moving onto the next pre-selected movement without rest.

Also, pick a load about 90% of your weakest lift out of the pre-determined lifts for the combo, then attempt to keep using that load or higher for the following set(s).

Sample Setup

Warm Up:  Complex: Squat, Good Morning & Press  2-3sets

Workout: Front Squat, Inclined Bench, and Chin

Finisher: Combo: Clean, Jerk, Squat & Jerk 2 sets of 2 rounds

Here are some other fun complex and combos to mix things up
Complex: Single Leg Good Morning & Push Press 6/6/6

Combo: Dead, RDL, Clean, Clean 3x

Complex: Jerk, Push Press & Clean 4/4/4

Combo: Back Squat, Push Press & Morning Squat 4x

Look around my youtube and you'll see other complex and combos with Olympic movements to add more explosiveness and fun into your routine.

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