Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Food Avoidance... Don't!

Food avoidance to cut calories (for fat loss) is not sustainable because we live in an environment that foods/temptations will always be there. 

You have to learn how to work delicious food into your diet so that you don't ever have to avoid anything. This is why meal plans, templates, cleanses, meal replacing shakes, and "clean eating" is completely idiotic because it doesn't take into account of holidays, vacations, happy hours, goals, taste, conveniency, and coworkers shoving donuts in your face.

You have to learn about the context of food and body metabolism instead of simply say "i'm gonna not eat this and i'm only going to eat that" for the rest of your life.

to say no to something requires "will power" and we only have so much of it. if you can't ever have pizza again or that you won't eat meat, or you're told alcohol is bad, even though your body is perfectly fine having it at an appropriate quantity, what will be the meaning of life?

The best and most sustainable approach is to educate yourself on nutrition/calories, food/body metabolism, hunger, rewards/pleasure, and how those variables effects your lifestyle and health so it's easier to make mindful decisions. Rather having to will yourself to not eat something and feel guilty when you do .In the long run, it's better to learn it than having someone making you a meal plan every few weeks just so you can fall off of it.

Don't avoid food, avoid being ignorant, esp if you're fat and/or unhealthy. keep reading my stuff because it will liberate you from all the BS ppl are feeding you. here's how

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This way, all my best nutrition tips and articles goes straight to you. free

also. if you're allergic to something, this post is not about you

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