Monday, June 4, 2012

Cardio: How much do you really burn?

Cardio does help you burn more calories than sitting around the house but if you're already strength training or you hate jogging for miles in hope to lose weight, you need to stop.
Formal cardio (steady state, low intensity, long duration) really is not required for improving your body composition. There are better ways to achieve the caloric deficit you need to lose weight. Esp. when you are already strength training or have an active job. 

To be generous and depending on your fitness level, most people will burn around 300kcal/hr going for a slow jog.  Believe it of not, you can also stop drinking 2 glasses of orange juice or soda everyday to achieve the same caloric deficit you need to lose weight.  Or swap breakfast for coffee.
Approach fat loss with "eating less" is just soooooo much easier than adding more and more activity!  Eat just enough for training and satiation and hit your caloric allowance (maintenance minus deficit) for your predicted target fat loss.

What will really increase your daily burn is the way you move throughout the whole day.
Adding various enjoyable activities like hiking, cleaning, sports, or simply moving around more at work will increase your metabolism tremendously without having to purposely adding more and more workout sessions into your schedule. If you're jogging 2hrs a day, you're doing it wrong (unless you enjoy it but might hurt your progress).  

to show what i'm talking about...

Subject weighed 198lbs and had 15 percent body fat
Base calorie burn (60 minutes sitting): 60 calories
45-minute weightlifting session: 225 calories
25-minute interval workout: 196 calories
50-minute dog walk around hilly park: 305 calories
34-minute gardening session: 210 calories

Subject weighed 180lbs and had 39 percent body fat
Base calorie burn (60 minutes sitting): 61 calories
40-minute weightlifting session: 255 calories
25 minute interval workout: 167 calories
59-minute grocery shopping and cooking session: 255 calories
45-minute bathroom cleanup: 201 calories

so now you know.

Unless going for a jog makes you "feel" good or doesn't interfere with your sleep or training recovery, that's perfectly fine. However, if you're running with the intention to "burn more calories" but don't enjoy it or that it hurts your knee, drop it and sleep in.   

You do know that lifting has already taken care of your cardiovascular health right?  cardio and lifting is not two separate entities.    Strength training IS the superior way to do cardio.   Even if you play a sport on the weekend and you really care about "conditioning", just lift weights faster with less rest between sets.  use complexes, combos, hiit, or even tabata. Your sport and practices will have already taken care of the conditioning side and it's ok to be tired on the field.  Even the best athletes gets tire.

You can also increase your metabolism (and productivity) by drinking more coffee (up to 600mg/day).  IMO, that'd be a better form of doing cardio without wasting time and hurting your joints.

None of my competitors use "cardio", the traditional sense, to lose fat or burn calories, they just ate less.   If they want to jog for fun or play tennis on the weekends, sure, as long as it's not excessive, that's fine. but remember your goal.  muscle gain will always be harder than fat loss.   Use your caloric budget to achieve the deficit you need and just... eat... less.

Buda, Texas
 "The most valuable thing I have learned from my awesome trainer Jem is lift heavy, my soccer playing is all the cardio i need and i have learned what to eat that works for my body plus i still get to eat the fun foods too!"

Kansas, MO

"Before Jem, I had the view that most people had on how to lose weight.  I became a cardio junkie and thought that's the only exercise to lose weight and lifting was only used to "bulk up".  About half way through my contest prep, I knew that something needed to change. I knew there had to be a better way to lose fat but still maintain muscle mass. Then I met Jem through another fellow competitor of mine. Jem couldn't have been more clear about what I needed to do.

He taught me how to boost my  metabolism to lose fat. Within the first two weeks, I noticed huge changes in my body composition. I ditched the cardio like Jem taught me and mainly focused on strength training to increase lean mass and strength.  Through Jem, Science became reality. It couldn't have made more sense!!!   And with Jem's help, I was able to place 1st in novice and 1st in open for my division, and qualifying for nationals in return!

Austin, Tx
"It seems I've been receiving one blessing after another, like meeting Jem.  Since meeting him, my training is more effective and my results, more amazing.
When I first met Jem he mentioned I might think his tag line/motto was cheesy, but it is the most simple, yet brilliant thing I've ever heard. "Strength through knowledge", just brilliant!  He reminded me that putting in effort into learning about your body is probably the smartest thing you'll ever do.   Knowledge gives you the power to make right choices.  No one wants to pay a trainer for the rest of their life.  Jem teaches you to fish instead of giving you a fish. He tells it like it is and is always readily available with credible knowledge."

Smithville, Tx
"Jem makes everything seem so simple. He immediately debunked all the misinformation I had been feeding myself from the internet about "clean eating", no alcohol, and spending HOURS in the gym.   In about 2 hrs I had a whole new view on getting & STAYING fit. His nutrition plans are simple and to the point. YOU DO NOT have to GIVE UP the FOOD you love!  You do not have to quit drinking! It was that ah-ha moment - that made me know I could really do this.    Its all science and basic math.

Kansas MO

"Ever since my first figure competition i had been obsessed with food. I felt like i had to eat plain food and measure everything i ate.   I looked good and i felt good and i wanted to stay that way. Obviously you can't maintain that physique and low body fat long term but you don't necessarily have to put all the weight back on either.  I started training according to his workouts and with his advice on diet i am 5 weeks out from my next competition and i don't feel tortured or have the cravings i used to have.  Everything I learned about competition diet and training has changed! I am down from 145 to 132lbs and i am sitting at about 16% body fat!"

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