Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Weight of The Nation: HBO, Review

just writing a short review of this, not too bad documentary addressing the issue of obesity in america.  iti was referenced to me by a client of mine working on losing weight.

movies like this is suppose to use fear to sensationalize the content/msg.  so don't be scare watching the first 20mins of it thinking that our nation is hopeless.
Overall I think it's a ok film and may be somewhat beneficial for really really overweight and disease people who doesn't know anything about nutrition, human metabolism, or have no experience in dieting.

It's anti corn industry, pro activity. pro vegetables and fruits but I think it should have mentioned increase intake of protein through meat products for satiety and thermalgenic reasons... but that would have turn away a lot of viewers.
don't necessary agree with it's vague anti stance on salt and dietary fat. 

at least at the end of the film it propose that we need to take personal responsibilities, and collectively, improve the issue... not a lot of nutrition/diet films address this, which is nice to see.

the official website still recommend eating breakfast though, that was a turn off.
correlation is not causation!

Overall I wouldn't recommend people spenting a hr watching this when they can be watching or reading something else more informative and helpful in solving their weight problem.  I rather they read my nutrition aritcles, they'd learn a lot more than the film in a hr time.

what you think?

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