Sunday, January 15, 2012

Are You Afraid of High Fructose Corn Syrup?

HFCS - High fructose corn syrup is sugar made from corn.

They are half fructose and half glucose similar to the structure of sucrose (table sugar).

HFCS is NOT the problem, high consumption of sugar in general is the problem.

"Epidemiological studies show growing evidence that consumption of sweetened beverages (containing either sucrose or a mixture of glucose and fructose) is associated with a high energy intake, increased body weight, and the occurrence of metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. There is, however, no unequivocal evidence that fructose intake at moderate doses is directly related with adverse metabolic effects. There has also been much concern that consumption of free fructose, as provided in high fructose corn syrup, may cause more adverse effects than consumption of fructose consumed with sucrose. There is, however, no direct evidence for more serious metabolic consequences of high fructose corn syrup versus sucrose consumption."

"If you see a product with HFCS and a similar product with natural table sugar, don’t assume the product with natural sugar is any better. Rather than worrying about whether something contains HFCS, you should strive to reduce your intake of all types of added sugar and refined carbohydrates in your diet. It is much more important to look at the big picture; keep your physical activity high, manage your overall food intake, make sure most of your food is from minimally refined sources, and keep your protein intake high. This is what will help you lose weight and keep it off, rather than singling out HFCS in your diet. Don’t let the fructose fear-mongerers fool you"

Agave, a more "natural" sugar actually contains more fructose than HFCS
Increased food energy supply (alone) is more than sufficient to explain the US epidemic of obesity

It would take an absurd amount of say, fruit, to provide enough fructose to the diet to cause problems. The liver can generally handle approximately 50 grams of fructose or so before you start to see conversion to triglycerides or other negatives.  Only achievable by someone consuming a lot of sugary soda, but again, anyone consuming gallons of sugary soda per day has bigger issues in their diet than the high fructose intake.

HFCS is in no way unique amount sugars, with a composition identical to sucrose as well as the supposedly ‘healthy’ honey. Increased caloric intake since the 1970′s is the driver for increased obesity, with no relationship with HFCS intake per se.   In that all fructose-glucose solutions (whether HFCS, sucrose or honey) are metabolized in exactly the same fashion in the body, there is simply no reason to think that HFCS per se is particularly obesity promoting outside of being a caloric source.

In terms of sweetener comparison, table sugar and HFCS are very, very similar. Only reason HFCS sells is because it's cheaper to make.  The human body does not metabolise HFCS any differently to regular sugar.


Massove said...

Yes I'm afraid of High Fructose Corn Syrup. I have never heard of it before coming in USA. I did some research on it and posted it on facebook 2 years ago. What can I say in the nature you can not find sugar, salt and fat so easly, so why human consume so much of it. A good example to look at are the wild animals. they have no problem of heart attack, cholesterol like we have. If you find an animal with those problems it's because they consume our food. Another example is cow, why give cow corn (cheap food) because they eat grass, now they develop some illness in there stomach because the enzymes cannot work properly. Now a days if you want to stay healthy you should eat food which are made without fertilizer and pesticide. Even the organic farm can use certain pesticide or fertilizer. Make your own garden, your own compost, can your food etc ...

Jem Yeh M.Ed., CSCS, CPT. said...

1. you can find sugar, salt, and fat pretty easily in nature. our consumption of these items hasn't incrase that much over the years and they do no correlate with the increase of heart attack and cholesterol problems in the US.

2. human give cows cheap foods because there is a demand for them on a massive scale and people want cheap food.

3. how exactly is fertilizers and pesticides killing us? what chemical compounds? How do we metabolise these food items differently that make us sick? and why do we use them then? please show me your research

Jem Yeh M.Ed., CSCS, CPT. said...

and please don't show me a link to watch the movie "kingcorn" or some supplement company ads from mercola and call that your "research"... or a 10min speech from robert lustig off youtube. show me some clinical, randomized trials to back up what you're saying.

I suggest you read my post first before you make any further comments about what the argument here is about. the argument is about HFCS being no different from regular table sugar (in terms of how we metabolize them in the body). IF people consume table sugar and they do just fine, they can do the same with HFCS.

Jem Yeh M.Ed., CSCS, CPT. said...

alan aragon - In light of the resurgence of the bitter truth that calories do matter (along with the most recent fructose-phobia pwnage


this clip deserves an encore:​watch?v=VKs0oEIVOck

Jem Yeh M.Ed., CSCS, CPT. said...

again, science prove me right

"Conclusion: Fructose does not seem to cause weight gain when it is substituted for other carbohydrates in diets providing similar calories. Free fructose at high doses that provided excess calories modestly increased body weight, an effect that may be due to the extra calories rather than the fructose."


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