Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Favorite Things to Say & General Tips

I don't know where I get these from or how I came up with it but I use it a lot these days.  they are mostly directed at my weight loss clients.

1. Ketone is your super food. 

2. The Lipid Hypothesis is Dead.
3. You lift too light & you lift too often.

4. Coffee is the best cardio.

5. Stop putting crap in your mouth.  You'll never burn calories faster than the food you ingested.

6. No, you're not 10% yet (bodyfat).

7. The reason brown rice is better than white rice for your waistline is because brown rice taste like cardboard which ensure that you won't take more than 2 bites before you throw up everything else... portion control!

8. Enjoy your salt and diet coke.

9. You fail because you got hungry. 
You got hungry because you're not using body fat to fuel you.
You're not burning body fat because you're not reading up on how to turn on fat burning hormones. 
If you read more, maybe then you won't get so hungry.

10. Fat doesn't turn into muscle when you exercise.  Foods turn into fat even if you do.

11. Eat REAL food and drink water, how hard is that? (Paleo)

12. Supplements are not drugs.  Not supplementing in an imperfect world is not natural.  If you want to live naturally in America, you need to supplement!

13. Carbs is not essential, so are crunches and set-ups for getting a six-packs.

14. You lost water, not fat. It'll come back.

15. Breakfast is the worst meal of the day.  Eating everyday is not that important either, especially if you're obese. People all over the world practice fasting and their muscle didn't fall off and their metabolism didn't slow down. Just meet your daily caloric need and you're go to go.

16. Count your calories and read your food labels if you really want to fix your body fat problems.  Once you're fixed, eat intuitively.

17. Experiencing hunger once in a while is not a bad thing.

18. Most health problems can be improved through diet, exercise, fast, rest, play, and meditation.

19. Fiber is overated.

20. Stress is the silent killer.  

21. You're better off doing the exact opposite of the guidelines proposed by the USDA's food pyramid.

22. Don't buy any products you see on TV that promise you weight loss, hair restoration, acne cleanse, or exercise equipments/supplements. you're smarter than that.

23. Information from Mens Health magazine is not for men and it's not for health.

 24. Dieting to lose body fat is not that hard, just do nothing.  Your body is always burning calories, you don't have to do ANYTHING!

25. Vegans care about animals welfare more than human welfare.

26. You're too fat for protein shakes.

27. Diet soda + a multi-vitamin is better than Vitamin Water. (leangains?)

28. Stop running.  You walk or you sprint, it's how your great, great, grandparents did it.  Give soccer or tennis a try.

29. Leave the house, go outside, get a dog, join a dance studio, JUST MOVE.

30. The only advantage whey protein powder has over chocolate milk is you don't need a fridge with longer expiration dates.

31. Animals don't eat to hunt (at least not immediately), they hunt to eat.  So eat after your workouts, not before (unless you're a performance athlete).  

32.  Breakfast... Break.... Fast.... you slept for 8hrs without food in your stomach, you got so efficient at burning body fat as fuel, why would you stop this process by eating breakfast first thing you wake up if your goal is to lose body fat?

33. "Nutrient timing" is for athletes and the very lean folks looking to be leaner.  Most overweight people don't have to worry about this.

34. When Paleolithic men (or even hunter/gatherers today) hunt down a bison, they eat every little parts of it... liver, kidney, heart, ligaments, they don't pick things out.

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