Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Reaching Small Goals Collectively Becomes Big Ones, EFFORTLESSLY

This is going to be a very short post with some spanking new motivational articles to read.

I wrote this email to a friend who's feeling unmotivated about with their diet/training and swore she will "work" harder next week.

"stop thinking somehow next week you're just going to turn the "hardworking" switch on. if it hasn't happen right now, it's not going to happen anytime soon. 

start today, small, whatever it is, plan ahead on the grocery or meal prep instead of trying to clean out the whole kitchen cabinet and stock it up with diet food you'd never eat. start with just bodyweight pushup at home instead of thinking you'll hit the gym hard for 2 hours, write down what you eat and look up how many calories is in them instead of completely swear off to all sugar and starch, read a couple more of my articles each day instead of thinking somehow next week your motivation is going to kick in and everything is going to come together. I guess what i'm trying to say is set smaller goals so that you can get instant feedback that will keep you going and slowly you'll reach your bigger goal without having to say to yourself that you must have "will power" or "commitment". make fat loss an almost effortless goal. this mean don't weigh yourself everyday because seeing a couple lb lost is a huge (7000kcal deficit) goal, instead, feel good that you only have 2soda today or hasn't eaten any chips. be proud of not watching as much TV and actually went to bed early and got 8 hours of sleep. or instead of driving through a fast food place just because it's lunch time even though you're not hungry, feel good that you skipped lunch and fasted til dinner time to eat. once these small changes becomes habits, fat loss becomes soooooo easy."

Here's how to do it: 5 Simple Fat Loss Strategies

The Art of Flipping the Switch 

How to Enter the Flow with Immediate Feedback, Achieve Short Term Goal, and be Internally Motivated 

How to Manipulate your Brain to Work Toward Your Goal 

Don't Just Try, DO! 

1 comment:

Jem Yeh M.Ed., CSCS, CPT. said...

diet FLexibility yeilds long term results


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